How to Grow Your Intuition
I’m sitting outside after the recent super full moon in Aquarius sipping some tea and listening to call of a male cardinal that’s been hanging around our yard lately.
The calendula, goldenrod and daisies are a beautiful pop of color against the dark green grass. Today I had a “flare day”—a ramping up of my symptoms, so I’ve been resting lots even though I see all the work that needs to get done around me. The days around the full moon are a perfect to lean into self care and just allow, rather than trying to will or manifest things into place.
One of the beautiful aspects of the wise woman healing tradition is listening to our own bodies. Sometimes it can be difficult to hear that voice, especially in our modern world. This is where having a guide can be helpful, reminding you to find the time and space to be in silence and stillness.
Each time I have used this little ritual, especially if I am feeling overwhelmed, I have felt calmer and had more clarity on the issue or inquiry at hand.
Here's a quick step-by-step guide for how you can feel more in tune with your body's messages and grow your intuition.
5 Steps to Tuning In To Grow Intuition
Step 1: Create a safe space.
Often a small area that has a door or natural separation from the rest of the home is a great choice (e.g. closet, spare bedroom, basement, patio chair, log in nature, etc.)
Claim it as yours! (This lets others know that when you are here, it is your time, and you need to be left alone for a few minutes.)
Step 2: Tune in.
Close your eyes and take a few full breaths. Sometimes, placing your hand on either your heart or belly can help you tune in.
Repeat these words, "I am tuning in and listening to my body. Body, please allow me to hear your wisdom."
Step 3: Listen.
Sit silently and continue listening to your breath. Notice any sensations in the body.
If your mind wanders, simply thank it for the reminder to listen to your body, and return your attention to your breath.
Step 4: Ask for guidance.
Ask your body for guidance. Perhaps, you can say, "Body, I am coming into silence and emptiness in this moment to ask for your guidance. Please offer me any messages and understanding you can in this very moment."
Don't second guess the messages you receive.
Step 5: Give thanks.
Express your gratitude to your body.
Acknowledge its deep wisdom.
I hope this simple 5-step routine helps you feel more connected to your body. I also hope that it is simple enough for you to return to again and again since like anything in life, building your intuition takes practice and time to develop.